This blog isn't so much reflective as it is kind of a statement of what I am hoping to get done in the next few weeks. Aside from the second job I just picked up (you know, in case the current one along with full time school wasn't enough) I decided that I want to expand on my idea of a "Working Class" and develop a syllabus and maybe even start working on a website for it. I really like the idea of the word press that Kim and Peter have for their classes and am wondering if I can emulate that in some way or find a way to create a site where blogs can be included as well updates on daily/weekly goals.
Right now the idea is very up in the air about details and I need to bring it down to earth and start actually applying it. I am thinking of creating "lesson plans" so to speak to really get an idea of how the class will be structured and potentially work out. I am aware of the flexibility I will need when putting this together because it is going to be very broad and I can imagine it will be a very fluctuating and moving class where things will have to change as we go along and nothing is set in stone.
I think what my biggest obstacle is right now is that I really, honestly feel I know nothing of a 130 class. I know that will change next semester when I take 634 (?) and get to understand the 130 space better. For now I am going to make a mock up based on the research I have done in other classes as well as what I have learned in my 30 class. I might deviate a bit from the prezi I made, but only because I think after going over it I saw a few things that could be improved or maybe included, not included. I had some great suggestions given to me after my presentation and I think, especially since it came from those who know and do most, it will be a very big benefit.
In the end, I think this project is going to be more for something that I can apply in the future for 634 (?) and hope that based on what I have learned in this digital class, maybe throw in some more digital stuff that includes the site, give students the option to video conference, google chat, etc. I would like to see what kind of digital options that are used in every day offices, environments that can help benefit the students in the future. Good luck, Kyleen.